Collection Protection: Damage and Loss- Jewelry & Watches
Event Details

On Demand
On Demand Recording
$25.00 Members
$30.00 Non-Member
Collection Protection – A timeless discussion about those unexpected losses impacting Jewelry & Watch Collectors
In this installment of our "Collection Protection - Damage and Loss" series, Kristina Marcigliano, CLCS, Vice President – Fine Art & Specie, Risk Strategies will address loss as it pertains to jewelry and watches. Kristina will discuss the insurance professionals involved (Broker, Insurance Company/Underwriter, Appraiser, Adjustor), the types of insurance available (Homeowner versus standalone Inland marine policy), and valuation (schedules versus blanket coverage). Kristina will also discuss how often collectors should appraise their collections, and provide case studies of claims and example losses that she has seen, including theft while wearing jewelry.
The "Collection Protection" series includes webinars focusing on different aspects of Damage and Loss; beginning in January, with "Damage and Loss" Insurance: with Ellen Hoener Ross, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., in February with "Damage and Loss: Wine" with Neil Kaplan, DipWSET, AAA, Cork Counsel, in March with "Damage and Loss: Emergency Preparedness" with Rand Silver, Treadwell Fine Art and Collections Underwriters, and June with "Damage and Loss: Jewelry and Watches" with Kristina Marcigliano, CLCS, Risk Strategies.
This is a recording of a webinar previously held live on June 25, 2024.
Appraisers Association of America members will receive 1 C.E. (Continuing Education) Credit.
Terms of Registration
By registering for this lecture you acknowledge that the content of this program will be captured in digital format and may be used for both archival and promotional purposes. Submission of your registration authorizes The Appraisers Association of America, its contractors and sponsors permission to use your voice and/or image in any such archival or promotional recording, photograph or streaming activity and to contact you by mail or e-mail.
Kristina Marcigliano joined Risk Strategies in 2013 after working for nearly three years at Hugh Wood Inc. in New York City. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a Business minor from The State University of Albany, NY in 2010. Kristina is a licensed Property and Casualty Broker in the State of New York and has a Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist designation.
In 2017, 2018 and 2020 Kristina was designated by Risk and Insurance Magazine as a Power Broker for the Fine Art industry. She has also received recognition as being one of the Top 40 Brokers under 40. Kristina possesses extensive expertise in insurance programs tailored for Dealers and Collectors at Risk Strategies. She collaborates closely with clients seeking coverage for unique items across diverse industries, including Fine Art, Coin and Bullion, precious metals, and Jewelry dealers. Leveraging her substantial experience in claims management, Kristina employs this knowledge as a strategic tool in crafting comprehensive coverage solutions for her clients.
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